The 200×104 m3/d light hydrocarbon recovery equipment in Liaohe Oilfield is the biggest one in China.Because the actual treatment capability of the equipment is far lower than the designed one and the equipment is severe aging,the equipment can not satisfy the production requirement.Therefore,a new projectis planned to build which has a treatment capability of 100×104 m3/d.The VMGSIM numerical simulation results show that the optimal process conditions of the equipment are as follows:the lowest cooling temperature of-114℃,C2 recovery rate of 85% and C3 recovery rate of 98%.Moreover,the scheme optimization for the equipment is carried out according to its engineering characteristics.The coaxial anterior turbocharged technique and process of expander refrigeration plus the propane auxiliary refrigeration are applied.The analysis shows that the propane auxiliary refrigeration process greatly enhances the adaptability of component fluctuation and avoids the corrosion problem of the ammonia refrigeration system.The regenerated gas from molecular sieve desiccator outlet returns to the three-stage inlet of the compressor,than the gas pressure is increased by the compressor,thus enhances the stability of the system,and it decreases the investment by canceling the regenerated gas separator.The new regenerated gas heat exchanger recycles the waste heat of 590 kW and decreases the consumption of fuel gas of 40×104 m3/a;the cool energy and heat energy is step-by-step utilized,and the unit consumption of energy is below the domestic and international expenditure standard of energy.
Petroleum Engineering Construction
natural gas
light hydrocarbon recovery equipment
scheme optimization