Cyclone separator is one of the key equipments in the dust cleaning system applied in natural gas delivering pipes.It also plays an im-portant part in long-term safe operation of high pressure valves and compressors.According to the characteristics of the West-East natural gas transmission project,China Petroleum University developed PSC-Ⅲ type cyclone tube,which Has simple structure and appropriate price.It is easy in operation and also has high separating ef-ficiency and low pressure drop.PIM-Ⅱ type cy-clone separator is composed of PSC-Ⅲ type cy-clone tubes.It has large gas capacity,high effi-ciency and low resistance and has been success-fully applied in West-East natural gas transmis-sion project.This paper analyzes the characteris-tics,structure design,main material selection and fabrication problems of PIM-Ⅱ type cyclone separator.
Petrochemical Equipment Technology