Aim: To study the effects of cisatracurium on compound muscle action potential(CMAP) in rats. Meth- ods :A total of 32 SD rats were divided into two groups. In the experiment group, cisatracurium (0.2 mg/kg)was given by intraperitoneal injection ,and isotonic saline of the same volume was given to the control group. CMAP was recorded in the biceps following a stimulation at the sciatic nerve at different time, i.e. every 5 minutes before and after injection until it returned to normal. Latency and amplitude of CMAP were calculated and statistically analyzed. Results:There were signifi- cant differences in CMAP latency and amplitude between two groups (CMAP latency:Fs,ouP = 8. 654, P = 0. 010; F,~.e = 6. 753 ,P = 0. 030 ; CMAP amplitude : Fgroup = 6. 634, P = 0. 030 ; F,~ = 7.134, P = 0. 020 ). As to the experiment group, the changes of CMAP were divided into 3 stages. Induction stage: the latency was gradually delayed, and the amplitude re- duced. But compared with normal CMAP,the amplitude reduction rate was below 50%. The stage lasted 15 ~ 20 minutes. Inhibition stage: CMAP was absent or the amplitude reduction rate was above 50%. The stage lasted 10 - 15 minutes. Res- toration stage:the latency was gradually shortened. However, the amplitude increased to normal state. The stage lasted 20 ~ 25 minutes. Conclusion : The changes of CMAP under the effects of cisatracurium could be divided into induction, in- hibition,and restoration stage. In order to correctly evaluate the function of neuromuscle, the intraoperative CMAP test should be performed after restoration stage (40 -45 minutes after administration).
Journal of Zhengzhou University(Medical Sciences)