We study the vector meson electro-production off the proton in a QCD inspired model. A calculation of the differential cross section is performed for the J/ψ, Ф meson off the proton. The theoretical results are consistent with the experimental data, and remind us to consider the contribution from the tensor glueball and Odderon to the differential cross section. Since gluons interact among themselves via self-interaction, the gluons can form a glueball with quantum numbers I^G, J^PC = 0^+, 2^++ with a decay width Гt = 100 MeV and mass of mG = 2.23 GeV. The three gluons can form a three gluon color bound state with charge conjugation quantum number C = -1. This study is quite important to verify the validity of QCD and to search for new particles (tensor glueball and Odderon) as well as quest for new physics.
We study the vector meson electro-production off the proton in a QCD inspired model. A calculation of the differential cross section is performed for the J/ψ, Ф meson off the proton. The theoretical results are consistent with the experimental data, and remind us to consider the contribution from the tensor glueball and Odderon to the differential cross section. Since gluons interact among themselves via self-interaction, the gluons can form a glueball with quantum numbers I^G, J^PC = 0^+, 2^++ with a decay width Гt = 100 MeV and mass of mG = 2.23 GeV. The three gluons can form a three gluon color bound state with charge conjugation quantum number C = -1. This study is quite important to verify the validity of QCD and to search for new particles (tensor glueball and Odderon) as well as quest for new physics.
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (10647002)
Guangxi Science Foundation for Young Researchers(0991009)
Department of Guangxi Education (200807MS112)
Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi University of Technology(0840211)