目前,癌症是导致人类死亡的主要因素之一。尽管在癌症治疗方面取得了巨大进展,但是,其较高的复发率还是会导致死亡。连续治疗失败的一个可能原因是,残留的恶性细胞有类似干细胞的分化潜能,这样就能再次形成肿瘤和造成病灶转移。肿瘤干细胞(cancer stem cell,CSC)假说认为,肿瘤组织中存在具有自我跟新能力,无限增殖和肿瘤形成能力的一小部分肿瘤细胞,近年来,随着在血液肿瘤和实体瘤中相继发现CSC存在的相关证据,对CSC的生物学特性的认识不断深入,对肿瘤的复发、病灶转移、耐药性形成也有了新的观点和研究方向,目前的研究主要集中在其分离鉴定阶段,本文就近年来该方面的研究进展作一综述。
At present,cancer is the leading cause of human death.While cancer treatment has made great progress,but its high recurrence rate will still lead to death.Continuous One possible reason for treatment failure is the residual malignant cells similar to stem cell differentiation potential,this way we can re-formation of tumors and lesions caused by the transfer.Cancer stem cells(cancer stem cell,CSC) hypothesis that there is some tissue with Self-renewal ability,unlimited proliferation and tumor-forming ability of a small part of the tumor cells,in recent years,with the blood tumors and solid tumors have been discovered in the CSC existence of relevant evidence,to CSC's continued in-depth understanding of the biological characteristics of tumor recurrence,tumor metastasis,drug resistance has also been the formation of new ideas and research directions,the current study focused on the isolation and identification of its stage in recent years,this paper to this area of research are reviewed.
Progress in Modern Biomedicine