文中在已发表的理论研究成果基础之上 ,从固体粒子加速过程中相互发生动量传递的清水和固体粒子的质量及它们的速度变化 ,以及在它们之间发生的动量传递关系等这些基本问题的分析出发 ,提出预计水平管道内固体粒子完全处于悬移 ,滑、跳移或部分固体粒子处于悬移 ,部分固体粒子处于滑、跳移状态下的非均质流速度断面的理论分析方法和模型 ,为进一步提出管道水力坡度的估算模型奠定了基础。
Based on the published results of previous theoretical study,and analysis of the basic aspects relating to variation of masses and velocities of fresh water and solid particles due to mutual transfer of momentum during the course of acceleration,an andalysis is made of the velocity profile of a heterogeneous flow in a horizontal pipe.Some of the solid particles in the pipe are supposed to move all in suspended or sliding or jumping state,while some in suspended,or slid- ing state and still others in sliding orpumping state.The de- velopment of the model forms a basis for developing a model for estimating the hydraulic gradient of a pipe.
Hydraulic Coal Mining & Pipeline Transportation