
重复经颅磁刺激治疗脊髓损伤的临床疗效 被引量:6

Clinic effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to spinal cord injury
摘要 目的:观察重复经颅磁刺激(rTMS)治疗对脊髓损伤(SCI)的临床疗效。方法:对26例SCI患者进行rTMS治疗,并与20例健康志愿者对照分析,观察治疗前后运动诱发电位(MEP)波幅及潜伏期的变化。结果:26例SCI患者治疗前MEP潜伏期延迟,波幅降低,治疗后均有明显变化,表现为MEP潜伏期明显缩短,波幅明显增高,治疗前后比较,差异有统计学意义。结论:rTMS治疗SCI具有一定疗效。 Objective:To study the effect of repetitive Transcranial magnetic stimulation(rTMS) to Spinal cord injury (SCI). Methods: Twenty-six patients with SCI were treated With rTMS. The amplitude and the latency of motor evoked potential (MEP) before or after treatment were compared with that of 20 controls. Results: The latency was shortened and the amplitude increased by the treatment of rTMS in a statistically significant manner. Concluseion: rTMS has good effect on SCI.
出处 《癫痫与神经电生理学杂志》 2010年第1期38-41,共4页 Journal of Epileptology and Electroneurophysiology(China)
关键词 重复经颅磁刺激(rTMS) 脊髓损伤(SCI) 运动诱发电位(MEP) Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) Spinal cord injury(SCI) Motor evoked potential (MEP)
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