以2008年10月和2009年5月2次野外调查获取的数据为基础,分析了双台子河口湿地环境石油烃污染特征. 结果表明:秋季河水石油烃污染比苇田水和稻田水严重,春季三者无显著差异,但春秋两季有92.31%的地表水ρ(石油烃)超过国家《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838—2002)Ⅲ类标准;湿地表层土壤秋季33.33%的站位、春季77.78%的站位达到中等及以上污染水平,春季个别站位达到重度污染水平,分布于流域中上游的盐渍水稻土和盐化草甸土污染程度比流域下游的滨海沼泽盐土和滨海潮滩盐土严重,中下游芦苇湿地对石油烃净化作用明显;剖面土壤w(石油烃)最大值出现在30-≤40 cm土层,达重度污染水平,显示双台子河口湿地环境已经遭到不同程度的石油烃污染. 湿地土壤w(石油烃)与芦苇长势参数的相关分析显示,目前湿地土壤石油烃污染尚未影响芦苇的正常生长及产量,但研究区域的石油工业污染已经成为双台子河口湿地重要的生态风险源之一.
Based on data obtained from two field surveys in October 2008 and May 2009, the characteristics of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) contamination in Shuangtaizi estuary wetlands were analyzed. The results showed that the content of TPH in the river water was higher than those in the reed marsh water and paddy water in autumn, while no significant differences were observed among the TPH content in these three kinds of water in spring. The content of TPH in 92.31% of the surface water could not achieve the Class III National Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB3838-2002) in spring and autumn. For the surface soil, the petroleum hydrocarbon (PH) pollution in 77.78% of sites in spring and 33.33% of sites in autumn reached the middle and higher levels, and some sites in spring even reached the severe level. Because of the purification of the reed wetlands downstream, the PH contamination in the soils (coastal marsh solonchak and tidal shallow solonchak) from the watershed downstream was less severe than that in the soils (salty paddy soil and basification meadow soil) from the watershed upstream. Most of the PH assembled in the soil layer at 30 - ≤40 cm depth, reaching .severe pollution level. All the results indicated that Shuangtaizi estuary wetlands were polluted by PH to various levels. Although the results obtained via the correlation analysis of TPH in the surface soil and reed growth parameters showed that there was no significant effect of the PH contamination on the growth and yield of the reeds, the PH pollution in the investigated area has become one of the sources which might give rise to important ecological risks in the Shuangtaizi estuary wetlands.
Research of Environmental Sciences
Shuangtaizi estuary
total petroleum hydrocarbon
pollution evaluation