
高静压对添加酪朊酸钠鸡肉糜制品特性及其微观结构的影响 被引量:2

Effects of high hydrostatic pressure on the properties and microstructure of chicken meat emulsion products adding sodium caseinate
摘要 在肉制品加工中运用高静压技术对其改性将得到发展。研究侧重在50~600MPa和5~40min范围内单因素考察添加1.5%酪朊酸钠鸡肉糜制品保水性、质构、凝胶强度、色泽特性的影响,并从微观结构上分析其作用机理。结果表明:与未受压的对照样比较,200~500MPa和10~30min都能显著增强其保水特性(p<0.01),过低压力50MPa和过高压力600MPa有明显降低保水性现象(p<0.01);制品质构特性(硬度、咀嚼性)随着压力增大而增大;凝胶强度也同样随着压力增加而增加,但在600MPa出现明显劣化(p<0.01),从侧面反映了保水性变化特点;制品色泽(白度、彩度)基本上随着压力增大和时间延续均分别逐渐增大和下降;而保压时间对鸡肉糜制品的保水性、质构与凝胶强度的影响相对有限。综合分析,300MPa、20min的高静压条件处理可获得较高出品率、较好质构特性和色泽的添加酪朊酸钠鸡肉糜制品。 In meat processing the use of modification by high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) will be developed.In this study,effects of HHP on the water-holding capacity(WHC),texture,gel strength and colour characteristics of chicken meat emulsion products adding 1.5% sodium caseinate were investigated in the range of pressure from 50 to 600 MPa,holding time from 5 to 40 min via single-factor experiment,and the mechanism of action was analyzed by SEM.The results showed that:comparing with unpressurized sample,the WHC of samples treated at 200~500 MPa and in 10~30 min can be enhanced significantly (p〈0.01),too low pressure 50 MPa and too high pressure 600 MPa can significantly reduce the WHC (p〈0.01).The texture characteristics (hardness,chewiness) increased with increasing pressure.Gel strength also increased with increasing pressure,but deteriorated significantly at 600 MPa (p〈0.01),which reflected the changes of WHC.The whiteness and chromaticity basically increased and declined with increasing pressure or extending holding time,respectively.However,effectiveness of pressure holding time was limited relatively on WHC,texture and gel strength.It was analyzed comprehensively:a higher yield of chicken meat emulsion product adding sodium caseinate,with better color and texture characteristics,will be obtained at 300MPa for 20min by HHP.
出处 《食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第3期114-119,122,共7页 Food Science and Technology
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费项目(nyhyzx07-038) 广东省科技攻关重大专项(2007A020400006)
关键词 高静压 酪朊酸钠 鸡肉糜制品 特性 high hydrostatic pressure sodium caseinate chicken meat emulsion product properties
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