
无线Ad hoc网络中基于节点停留概率的路径压缩

Path Compression Based on Node Staying Probability for Wireless Ad hoc Networks
摘要 该文提出一种基于节点停留概率的路径压缩算法NSP-PCA。通过计算造成路径变化的节点相对于另一节点传输区域的停留概率,动态预测压缩路径的稳定性,并以此为依据决定压缩操作的优先级。仿真表明,NSP-PCA能有效控制短暂缩减和多次缩减等非正常压缩,在端到端时延,路由开销和包发送率方面均优于SHORT和PCA压缩算法。 A Node Staying Probability based Path Compression Algorithm (NSP-PCA) is proposed in this paper. In NSP-PCA,the stability of new local paths is predicted by computing the probability that one node keeps staying in another node's transmission range. The compressing operation is performed based on the prediction to reduce the blindness of compression. Simulation results show that NSP-PCA lessens the ephemeral and multiple short-cuts observably and achieves lower end-to-end delay,lower routing overhead and higher packet delivery rate compared with both SHORT and PCA.
出处 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期830-835,共6页 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(60803001) 国家部委"十一五"重点项目基金资助课题
关键词 AD HOC 路径压缩 节点停留概率 Ad hoc Path compression Node staying probability
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