

The development trend of global economic and trade pattern in post-crisis era
摘要 一、世界经济缓慢回升可能经历较长时间低速增长 由美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机,使世界经济陷入二战以来最严重的衰退。当前,在各国金融救援措施和经济刺激政策的作用下,国际金融和经济形势出现一些积极变化。一是市场信心开始恢复。美国、日本、香港、中国大陆等主要股票市场出现反弹,幅度达到40%~70%。金融动荡结束,金融机构利润回升, The world economy is in slow recovery but you may experience a slow growth for longer time.There is a big uncertainty of the global economic recovery for a variety of risks still remain.Economic globalization continues to developing,protectionism will be on the rise.Countries speed up the adjustment pattern of growth,the world nurtures a profound transformation of economic structure.The overall strength of emerging economies enhances and multi-polar development pattern is clearer.The new international mechanism becomes increasingly active and faces profound changes in the international system.
作者 于培伟
出处 《中国远洋航务》 2010年第4期14-16,9,共3页 China Ocean Shipping Monthly
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