In the multicomponent seismograms of surface hydrocarbon seismic explo-ration, compressional wave usually occurs in vertical component, Vertically-polar-ized shear wave (SV-wave) usually appears in radial horizontal component, and werarely see the theoretical phenomenon in seismology that P-wave and SV-wave co-exist in one component. This actual phenomenon is explained theoretically. Ex-planatory procedure consists of two steps:- Free-surface displacement responses and Wichert relations, which are relat-ing to P-wave and SV-wave, are respectively derived from an elastic half spacemodel.. The corresponding curves are plotted according to ratio of S-wave velocityto P-wave velocity (vs/vp).We can see from analysis that the influence of free-surface effect makes P-waveand SV-wave coexist in both vertical component and horizontal component in com-pacted-rock cropping area where vs/vp is high ; but in loose ground area (low veloci-ty layer where vs/vp is low, vs and vp are low), the influence of free-surface effectand the refraction due to low velocity layer make P-wave and SV-wave occur sepa-rately in vertical component and horizontal component.Hence one can foresee that surface elastic wave data behave as vector wavefield in high vs/vp surface area (such as permafrost, limestone crop and other com-pacted-rocd crop); but in low vs/vp area, they nearly behave as two scalar wavefields (P-wave mainly occurs in vertical component, and SV-wave in horizontalcomponent, favouring data acquisition and processing). In addition, author makesfollowing suggestions:. Various forward modelings of elastic waves and the physical modeling of ul-trasonic waves ought to offer the result of low vs/vp surface layer so as to cope withreal conditions in hydrocarbon exploration area.. All methods (such as AVO and inversion) in which prestack amplitude in-formation is used and those methods for extracting elastic polarization parametermust consider free-surface effect so as to improve accuracy-
Oil Geophysical Prospecting
free-surface effect, displacement response, polarization charac-teristic, Wichert relation