介绍了电镀污泥酸浸出液中铜含量的测定方法:在适宜条件下,铜(Ⅱ)与双环己酮乙二酰二腙形成稳定的蓝色络合物,该络合物对600 nm波长的可见光有最大吸收峰;试液中共存铁(Ⅲ)的干扰用柠檬酸三铵掩蔽,镍(Ⅱ)的干扰通过控制显色体系的pH为8.3,使之不与双环己酮乙二酰二腙络合显色而消除,锌(Ⅱ)不与双环己酮乙二酰二腙络合显色。该方法不需要分离,直接依次加入相关试剂掩蔽、调节酸度和显色即可直接进行分光光度法测定,具有简便、快速且准确的特点。用该方法测定配制的标准混合溶液中的铜含量以检验其准确性。将该方法与间接碘量法的测定结果采用t-检验法进行检验以考察是否存在系统误差。
Determination method of copper content in acid lixivium of electroplating sludge was introduced. 600 nm visible light could be efficiently absorbed by a steady blue complex which was formed by copper ( II ) in electroplating sludge acid lixivium and cuprizone under an appropriate condition. Interferes of the coexisted iron (III ) and nickel ( II ) could be covered by adding ammonium citrate and by controlling chromogenic system pH in 8.3 respectively so that their influences could be eliminated due to no complex coloration with cuprizone and zinc( II ) would not complex with cuprizone. Spectro-photometry could be done by such a way which not requiring separation but just needing to add relevant reagents for cover- ing,adjusting pH and coloring. Therefore, it's an easy, convenient, fast, and precise method. At the same time,accuracy of this method was tested by using it to measure copper content of the prepared standard solution mixture. System errors were examined by comparing the result with indirect iodometric method through t - test.
Inorganic Chemicals Industry
electroplating sludge
acid lixivium
determination of copper content