
语用迁移与二语水平的关系研究 被引量:19

A Study on Pragmatic Transfer and Its Relationship with L2 Proficiency
摘要 中介语语用学的研究表明学习者的二语水平会影响语用迁移的发生,但两者的关系至今仍无定论。本文考察中国英语学习者两个不同语言水平组的拒绝言语行为,研究语用迁移如何受到二语水平的影响。26名中国汉语本族语者、20名美国英语本族语者以及大一、大三各60名中国英语学习者参加了本研究。研究参照Beebe等人的拒绝语义成分分析法,对用语篇补全测试收集的话语程式进行编码,并统计每组在各语义程式上的使用频率和排列顺序,以判断两组学习者中介语中表现出的拒绝语用策略与其母语语用策略的差异程度。研究发现,语用迁移表现出程度上的不同,并受拒绝诱发因素的影响。而且,无论是在语义程式的使用频率还是排列顺序上,拒绝言语行为中表现出的二语水平与语用迁移的关系基本呈正相关关系,即语用迁移的程度随着学习者语言水平的提高而增强。 Studies in interlanguage pragmatics(ILP)have shown that L2 learners' proficiency has a great influence on the occurrences of pragmatic transfer.Questions remain,however,whether the relationship between pragmatic transfer and L2 proficiency is positive or negative.This study is designed to test the degree of pragmatic transfer displayed in refusals made by Chinese learners of English at lower and higher L2 proficiency,and how pragmatic transfer is related to their L2 proficiency.A reclassification of pragmatic transfer is made into apparent pragmatic transfer and unapparent pragmatic transfer,pragmatic over-transfer and pragmatic under-transfer.26 native speakers of Chinese,20 Americanspeakers of English,120 Chinese learners of English,including 60 first year and 60 third year college students,participate in the study.Refusals are collected by using Discourse Completion Test(DCT)and are analyzed as consisting of a sequence of semantic formulas based on the taxonomy of Beebe et al.(1990).The order and frequency of semantic formulas used in the refusals of Chinese EFL learners at lower and higher levels are compared in order to examine the relationship between pragmatic transfer and L2 proficiency.The result reveals a generally positive relationship between L2 proficiency and pragmatic transfer.Pragmatic transfer has become a conscious act and strategy for L2 learners to learn and communicate in the target language.
作者 卢加伟
出处 《外语教学理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期14-25,88,共13页 Foreign Language Learning Theory And Practice
基金 河南省哲学社会科学规划项目阶段性成果 项目编号:2009FYY009
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