基于传输矩阵理论,针对双端面抽运的"Z"型折叠腔Nd∶YVO4激光器的谐振腔设计进行了数值模拟,着重分析和比较了不同腔型稳定性的变化情况。"Z"型折叠腔中关于臂长的选择对于稳定性影响较大,平凹腔在较低的泵浦功率范围更加稳定,双凹腔的稳区范围较小,但是却更适合在高泵浦功率下工作。分别采用平-凹和双凹腔型对N d∶YVO4的1 064 nm连续激光进行了研究,在相同腔长不同腔型下分别获得了稳定的1 064 nm高功率激光输出,谐振腔稳区范围和输出功率变化规律与理论计算吻合。
Based on transmission matrix theory, resonator design of dual-end-pumped Z-type folded cavity Nd : YVO4 laser is numerically simulated. The stability of resonator with different output couplers and cavity lengths is compared. The theoretical results show that the length of each arm of Z-folded resonator has a great impact on the stability of cavity, the plane-concave cavity is more stable than double-concave cavity at low pump power and double-concave resonator's stable region is smaller than the other one, but it is more suitable to work at high pump power. Plane-concave and double concave cavity of the Nd : YVO4 1 064 nm CW laser has been studied respectively in experiment. High output power at 1 064 nm is obtained with different resonators in the same cavity length. The obtained resonator stability area and output power variation is consistent with the theoretical result.
Optoelectronic Technology