目的 为了纠正临床工作中将“大肠腺瘤癌变”与低恶性、早期癌混为一谈,且不恰当地施行简单手术的错误观点和处理方法.方法 我们对1995~1997年三年间收治的148例大肠腺瘤癌变病例进行了临床与病理的回顾性调查统计.结果 我们发现癌变局限于粘膜层、粘膜肌层、粘膜下层者仅27例(占18.8%),而浸及浆膜层者有72例(占50%),更有43例发现肠周淋巴结转移(占30.7%),18例(占12.5%)出现血道转移或腹盆腔种植转移.而在这148例腺癌癌变病例中有51例(35.5%)虽经1~3次活检仍未能确诊腺瘤癌变,而且在这51例术前活检仅报告为腺瘤者中最后手术病理发现癌变浸及粘膜下层、肌层、浆膜层者共43例,占84.3%,伴淋巴结转移和血道转移或种植转移的也分别有10例(19.6%)和7例(13.7%).结论 大肠腺瘤癌变决不等于早期癌,活检报告为良性腺瘤者不等于该腺瘤无癌变,也不等于早期癌.我们应正确处理大胸腺瘤癌变,正确处理临床上疑有癌变而活检未能证实的大肠腺瘤,避免不恰当地缩小手术范围.
PURPOSE In order to correct the wrong point of view which considered the colorectal adenoma with malignant change as early stage of carcinoma or as carcinoma with low grade malignancy and to avoid performing simple operation unreasonably. METHODS 148 cases of colorectal adenoma with malignant change which were treated in our department in 1995-1997 were submitted to a retrospective study. RESULTS We find only 27 cases (18. 8%) whose malignant changes were localized in the layers of mucosa.mucosalmuscle and submucosa,72 cases (50. 0 % , whose malignant changes had penetrated to the layer of serosa, and 43 cases (30. 7 % ) had lymph nodes metastases,18 cases (12. 5%) had blood metastases or implantations. We also find 51 cases (35. 5%) that couldn't get a definite diagnoses of malignant changes although 1-3 times of biopsies had been made before operation. and of them in fact 39 cases (74. 3%)had malignant changes that had penetrated to the layers muscle and serosa ,10 cases (19.6%) had metastases of lymph nodes and 7 cases (13. 7%) and blood metastases or implantations. CONCLUSION The adenoma with malignant change can not be considered as the early stage of carcinoma. We can not say the adenoma whose diagnosis was made by 1 - 3 times of biopsies is a real adenoma and certainly has no malignant change. We can not say the tumor whose original diagnosis was adenoma still belongs to the early stage of carcinoma either. So we suggest to treat the adenoma with malignant change correctly,aviod performing simple operation unreasonably.
China Oncology