

Production of No.25 Transformer Oil With Hydrogenation Process
摘要 以江苏常二线油为原料,通过加氢微型试验装置,筛选出加氢精制催化剂3996、FV-1,将上述2种催化剂按照1︰1(体积比)进行组合装填,进行一段加氢法生产25#变压器油试验取得成功,并经过了工业生产试运行。结果表明,在适宜的操作条件下,可以利用原白油加氢装置生产出合格的25#变压器油产品,优化了装置产品结构,提高了装置创效能力。 The catalysts 3996 and FV-1 were selected by small-scale hydrogenation experiment in which Jiangsu the 2nd side cut of atmospheric column was used as raw material. These two catalysts were loaded at a volume ratio of 1 : 1 , then No.25 transformer oil was successfully produced with the technology of first-stage hydrogenation purification, the industrial trial test was completed. The results indicate that under the proper condition, the qualified No.25 transformer oil can be produced by white oil hydrogenation equipment. Meanwhile, the production was optimized to get more profits.
出处 《当代化工》 CAS 2010年第1期30-33,77,共5页 Contemporary Chemical Industry
关键词 加氢精制 白土精制 25#变压器油 工艺技术 Hydrogenation Purification White Soil Refining No.25 Transformer Oil Technology
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