目的对粤港两地2009年甲型H1N1流感流行与防控情况进行分析比较,为两地协同开展防控工作提供依据。方法通过广东省甲型H1N1流感信息管理系统收集广东省甲型H1N1流感的流行资料,香港的资料来源于香港卫生署卫生防护中心提供的"人类猪型流感和季节性流感直击"及"传染病直击"。对收集到的两地资料进行描述性流行病学分析。结果截至2009年9月15日,广东省共报告甲型H1N1流感病例1 606例,香港共报告18 687例;广东省经历首例输入性病例(发病时间为5月14日)到首例本地感染病例的时间(输入过程)为12 d,首例本地感染到首起聚集性病例的时间(本地传播过程)为15 d,而香港首例输入性病例发病时间为4月28日,经历输入过程时间较长(36 d)、经历本地传播过程的时间较短(5 d);两地均在6月中旬经历一个小的发病高峰,但7月10日后香港报告病例数直线上升,而广东省只是小幅波动;经过7、8月暑期的平息期,9月开学后两地甲流暴发疫情大量发生,截至9月26日,广东省共报告学校甲型H1N1流感暴发疫情100起,香港共报告流感样病例暴发935起,其中36起为甲流疫情;广东流感监测哨点医院流感阳性标本中甲型H1N1流感病毒构成比从第27周(至7月12日)的1.9%上升至第38周(至9月27日)的58.0%,而香港则从第23周(至6月14日)的1.9%上升至第38周的62.8%,成为当地流感的优势毒株。在疾病的输入期和本地传播期两地均根据疫情的不同特点制定了相应的防控策略,防控重点从预防输入(口岸检疫、隔离)到减缓扩散(加强社区监控)逐步改变。结论2009年广东省和香港经历了新发传染病甲流在本地输入、传播和流行的过程,研究发现两地甲流的传播、流行时间相当接近,说明粤港两地携手防控的重要性。
Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics and control strategy of influenza A(H1N1) in Guangdong Province(GD) and Hong Kong(HK) and provide evidence for further cooperation.Methods Descriptive statistical analysis was performed on epidemiological data obtained from influenza A(H1N1) surveillance and reporting network in GD,"Swine and Seasonal Flu Monitor" and "Communicable Diseases Watch" in website of Centre for Health Protection,Department of Health,HK.Results As of 15 September 2009,GD reported 1 606 influenza A(H1N1) cases and HK reported 18 687.In GD,12 days experienced from the first imported case to first local infected case(Importing process) and 15 days from the first local infected case to first outbreak(Local transmission process).The importing process(36 days) in HK was longer than local transmission process(5 days).A small reporting peak occurred in mid-June at two places.After July 10th,the number of reported cases raised quickly in HK but fluctuated slightly in GD.Outbreaks reported from schools significantly increased after summer holiday suspension in two places.As of 26 September 2009,GD reported 100 outbreaks in schools caused by influenza A(H1N1) and HK reported 935 influenza-like illness(ILI) outbreaks happened in schools in which 36 were caused by influenza A(H1N1).Percentage for influenza A(H1N1) among ILI positive samples collected from sentinel hospitals increased from 1.9%(week 27,July) to 58.0%(week 38,September) for GD and raised from 1.9%(week 23,June) to 62.8%(week 38,September) for HK in which influenza A(H1N1) became local predominant strain.Two places adopted corresponding control strategy in each epidemic stage in which focus changed from preventing imported cases to slowing spreading.Conclusion In 2009,GD and HK experienced importing and local transmission process of influenza A(H1N1).Because epidemic courses were similar in two places,it is crucial for cooperation on prevention an
South China Journal of Preventive Medicine