An entanglement purification protocol for mixed entangled states is presented via double quantum dot molecules inside a superconducing transmission line resonator (TLR). In the current scenario, coupling for arbitrary double quantum dot molecules can be tuned via the TLR in the large detuning region by controlling the qubit level splitting. The TLR is always empty and only virtually excited, so the interaction is insensitive to both the TLR decay and thermal field. Discussion about the feasibility of our scheme shows that the entanglement purification can be implemented with high fidelity and successful probability.
An entanglement purification protocol for mixed entangled states is presented via double quantum dot molecules inside a superconducing transmission line resonator (TLR). In the current scenario, coupling for arbitrary double quantum dot molecules can be tuned via the TLR in the large detuning region by controlling the qubit level splitting. The TLR is always empty and only virtually excited, so the interaction is insensitive to both the TLR decay and thermal field. Discussion about the feasibility of our scheme shows that the entanglement purification can be implemented with high fidelity and successful probability.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos 60678022 and 10704001, the Specialized Research Pund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education under Grant No 20060357008, the Key Program of the Education Department of Anhui Province under Grant Nos KJ2009A048Z, the Talent Project of the Anhui Province for Outstanding Youth under Grant Nos 2010SQRL153ZD and 2010SQRL187.