

Bioethical Issues and Strategies in the Treatment of Extremely Preterm Infants
摘要 目的从生命伦理学角度分析超低早产儿抢救中面临的困境并探讨解决这些问题的办法。方法伦理学分析。结果对医务工作者、患儿父母及社会与超低早产儿抢救相关的生命伦理问题提出了解决方法。结论医务工作者要不断加强专业知识学习,了解超低早产儿医疗进展;不断提高与患儿父母沟通的能力及技巧,充分告知,依医疗指南行医,治疗决策应尊重患儿父母意见并提供科学指导。患儿父母在医疗过程中应主动、积极配合治疗,并了解本身在医疗行为中的权利、责任及义务;社会也应随着经济的不断发展在医疗保险领域适当考虑这一特殊人群的利益。 Objective To observe some current dilemmas in the treatment of extremely preterm infants and to explore the method to solve the problems.Methods To analyze the problems with Bioethics.Results To advance some methods for solving the bioethical problems associated with medical staffs,parents,and the society.Conclusions Medical staffs should keep studying professional knowledge,understand the advances in the treatment of extremely preterm infants,improve the ability and skills to inform parents,diagnose and treat according to related guidelines,respect the rights and decision of the parents,and provide scientific guidance.The parents should be actively involved in medical activities and informed the rights,responsibilities in the treatment of their infants.Society should also take into consideration the interests of this special group in the field of insurance with the development of economy.
出处 《中国医学伦理学》 2010年第1期42-43,111,共3页 Chinese Medical Ethics
关键词 超低早产儿 生命伦理 决定权 撤除治疗 冲突 Extremely Preterm Infants Bioethics Decision-Making Right Withdraw Care Conflict
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