
中部地区经济增长因素贡献的定量研究 被引量:3

The Empirical Study of Economic Growth factors Contribution in Central China
摘要 生产要素包括物质资本和劳动力,全要素生产率包括人力资本和科技进步。本研究构建了生产函数模型,其结果表明,中部地区经济增长对生产要素投入依赖较重,全要素生产率依赖较轻,走的是一条相对粗放型的增长道路。依靠提高全要素生产率,让人力资本和科技进步引领中部崛起新跨越:把中部劳动力优势转化为人力资源优势;加快科技创新,提高自主创新能力;优化产业结构,使新兴战略性产业成为主导;提高市场化程度,为中部地区经济内生增长创造良好环境。 firstly This paper review the research experience of the economic growth factors,having an innovative idea that production factor includes physical capital and labor, total factor productivity includes human capital and technological progress.and then Constructing a production function model of Central China economic growth, measuring the contribution of factors to economic growth, results showing that the path of Central China economic growth has been still a relatively extensive growth path,depending heavily on production factors inputs rather than total factor pro- ductivity; and finally puts forward to policy proposals that we should heavily rely on enhancing total factor productivity, on human capital and technological progress, let the "two endogenous power" guide the Rise of Central China to lead a new leap forward.
出处 《晋阳学刊》 CSSCI 2010年第2期54-58,共5页 Academic Journal of Jinyang
基金 国家社科基金项目(06BJLO68) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(07JJD630018) 国家软科学重大计划招标项目(2008GXS1B022)
关键词 中部地区 经济增长 因素贡献 Central china, Economy growth ,factors Contribution
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