Objective:To studty the respeltine effects of aripiprazole and chlorpromazine upon thelife quality of patients with schizophrenia. Methods:Two groups of patients conforming to the CCMD-3 diagnosis standard, with each consisting of 30 persons, werw treaeated and studied respectively with aripiprazoleand ehlorpromazine for a period of three months. Afterwards, the mental state and life quality of the two groups were separately evaluated with PANSS and WHO. QOL-100. Results: Through three months of treatment, the group taking aripiprazole acquired bigger improvements in terms of total PANSS score and negative factor scores. Chlorpromazine group had move adverse reactions than aripiprazole group. For the quetipine group,all the aspelts of life quality,except for spiritual pillar,were remarkably enhanced, while for the chlorpromazine group, but for partial life quality improvement, there were no notable achievements in the fields of physiology, psychology and independence. Condusion: Aripiprazole is superion to Chlorpromazine on the quality of life first-opisode schizophrenice.
Chronic Pathematology Journal