K0.81Li0.27Til.73 O4 was synthesized by a solid state reaction. The conditions such as materials ratios, reaction time and reaction temperature, which are the main influencing factors of the H^+ ionic exchange reaction and exfoliation of K0.81 Li0.27Ti1.73 O4 were studied. The results show that Ko.81 Lio. 27 Ti 1. 73 O4 can be transformed into H1.08Ti1.7304 · H2O in a 0. 1 - 14 mol/L HNO3 solution by ionic exchange. If the reaction temperature is higher, the product is transformed into TiO2. The optimum H ^+ -exchange conditions are: the concentration of HNO3 is 1 - 10 mol/L, n(HNO3 ) : n(KLiTiO) = 10 - 20, at room temperature for 4 - 7 d. H1.08Ti1.73O4 · H20 can be exfoliated by both n-propylamine (n-PA) and n-butylamine. The exfoliation of H1.08Ti1.7304 · H2O is sensibly influenced by the reaction temperature and the ratio of H1.08Ti1.7304 · H2O and amine, i. e. , at a higher temperature and/or a smaller ratio of amine and H1. 08Ti1. 73 O4 · H2 O, the product is TiO2 rather than a layered compound. The optimum exfoliation ( or intercalation) conditions are : n (n-PA) : n(HTiO) =20-100, at 120 ℃ for 1 d.
Journal of Jilin University:Science Edition