
基于FAHP和FMCDM构建软件可信性评估模型 被引量:1

Establishing evaluation model of software trustworthiness based on FAHP and FMCDM
摘要 结合软件可信性评估的特点及模糊理论的最新进展,提出一种基于模糊层次分析法和模糊多指标决策理论的评估模型。首先针对软件可信性没有一致定义的现状,提出了相对可信性的概念;接着基于模糊数理论,用三角模糊数表示专家评估中语言变量的主观性和模糊性,结合专家给出的模糊指标权重及待评软件可信等级的模糊评价,得到软件可信性的集成模糊评价;最后,将该模型应用到国内某汽车制造企业整车产品开发项目管理软件评估中,实例说明软件可信性评估的具体过程,结果验证了该模型的实效性。 Integrating the characteristic of software trustworthiness evaluation and the latest development of fuzzy theory, this paper proposed a software trustworthiness evaluation model based on FAHP and FMCDM. Firstly, in view of lacking the consistent definition presently,presented a concept of relative trustworthiness. Then, dealt with the subjectivity and fuzziness of linguistic variables by using triangular fuzzy numbers based on fuzzy theory, and obtained the overall evaluation of software trustworthiness by incorporating the fuzzy criteria weightings and fuzzy evaluation of trustworthy ranking for each alternative. Finally,applied the proposed model on the evaluation of the project management software for a car manufacturer in China, which illustrated the assessment process, and the result shows the effectiveness of the evaluation model.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期933-937,共5页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(90718037) 国家"863"计划资助项目(2007AA04Z183) 安徽高校省级自然科学研究重点资助项目(KJ2008A061) 国家教育部博士点基金资助项目(200803590007)
关键词 可信软件 软件可信性评估模型 模糊层次分析法 模糊多指标决策 trustworthy software software trustworthiness evaluation model fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) fuzzy multiple criteria decision making (FMCDM)
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