对基于导航信号的合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture radar,SAR)成像方法进行了研究,主要是在星载一机载双基地配置情况下,利用GPS(global positioning system)卫星信号作为照射源,机载接收机接收点目标回波,通过距离向和方位向的压缩处理进行点目标成像。不同于线性调频信号,导航信号是扩频信号。研究了该信号的距离压缩方法,并给出一种方位压缩的实用方法,较好地达到方位压缩效果:利用Matlab工具进行了多点目标回波和成像算法的仿真。仿真结果表明:利用导航信号可以构成双基地SAR成像系统。
Imaging method of synthetic aperture radar(SAR) is studied in this paper. It is based on the global navigation satellite systems signal. The system configuration is that the transmitter is spaceborne and the receiver is mounted on an aircraft. GPS signals are transmitted as an illuminator. Airborne receiver receives the echo of point object. The GPS signal is spread frequency different from the linear frequency modulation signal. Its range compression method is studied. At the same time a realizable azimuth compression method is given. It can make a better compression result. Simulations are presented for five point objects in Matlab. They verify the imaging formation algorithm for this bistatic SAR with the GPS signal as transmitter. Time, phase and space synchronization issues are analyzed.
Journal of the Academy of Equipment Command & Technology