目的本研究检验了国外"自杀可能性量表"(Suicide Probability Scale,SPS)中文版适用性。方法通过对原问卷"翻译-回译"过程建立中文翻译版,选取367名大学生被试进行测试,其中100人在2周后进行了重测。通过探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析检验其结构效度,通过与SSI问卷的比较计算相容效度,通过相关分析考察问卷的信度。结果SPS中文版的探索性因素分析(因子载荷绝对值0.433~0.915)和验证性因素分析(RESEA=0.047,NNFI=0.901,CFI=0.915,IFI=0.916),结果都与原问卷相符合,与SSI问卷比较发现SPS具有良好的效度指数(α=0.765);问卷的内部一致性信度在0.701~0.889之间,分半信度在0.693~0.881之间,重测信度在0.623~0.848之间,均达到了心理测量学的要求。结论修订后的中文版SPS具有良好的信效度指标,可以作为评定中国大学生自杀企图的测量工具使用。
Objective To explore the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of SPS. Methods With a "translate-translate back" process, we built the SPS in Chinese. A sample of 367 college students were investigated and 100 students were retested two weeks later. The construct validity was checked with the analysis of EFA and CFA. The congruent validity was calculated with SSI. The reliability was with the analysis of correlation. Results The factor analysis confirmed the structure of the original version (EFA: absolute load value between 0. 433-0. 915;CFA: RESEA=0. 047,NNFI=0. 901,CFI=0. 915,IFI=0. 916 ). Compared with SSI, the results showed good validity (a= 0. 765), The Cronbach's a was between 0. 701 and 0. 889 ,Split-half reliability was between 0. 693 and 0. 881, retest reliability was between 0. 623 and 0. 848. Conclusion The reliability and validity of the Chinese version of SPS was supported and it can be used to test suicide attempt of Chinese college students.
China Journal of Health Psychology