实现虚拟场景漫游的主要技术包括场景建模和程序设计两个方面,利用贴图和建模相结合建立模型可以大大简化模型,利用Director MX导入Shockwave 3D演员,并应用Director的3D行为能够很方便的控制三维模型以实现场景漫游,文章以简单游戏场景漫游为例介绍了这种方法的具体实现。
The major technology of realizing the roam in virtual scene includes creating the scenario model and designing the program. Creating the model with the help of sticking the pictures can greatly simplify the model; Using Director MX to lead Shockwave 3D casts, and applying the 3D behavior of Director can control three-dimensional model very conveniently and therefore realize achieve the scene roaming. This paper introduces the concrete realization of this method with the example of roaming in simple scenario.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology