
公有主义和保密行为——科学研究的学术模型和市场模型述评 被引量:4

Communism and secrecy:a review of the academic and market models of scientific research
摘要 科学知识的生产和传播是在两套完全不同的体系下进行的:默顿理想型中的学术模型通过对发现优先权的承认来激励科学家,有助于支持公有主义;而科学的市场模型强调的是科学发现带来的商业利益,和对研究成果的保密。随着科研人员日渐融入创新的市场机制,人们日益担心市场的力量会使得科学家对研究成果变得更加保密,从而背弃科学共同体的公有主义规范。最新的实证研究显示,仅仅关注商业行为对保密行为的影响是片面的,科学竞争本身的加剧也会导致保密行为的上升。 The production and dissemination of scientific knowledge function under two fairly distinct institutional environments: one organized through the academic priority -recognition system which endorses communism (with the ideal type described by Merton) and one organized by the rules of market competition that emphasizes secrecy. As academic science has becoming increasingly linked to commercial activity, there has been heightened concern that commercial gain have led to an unhealthy increase in secretive behavior a- mong academic scientists. Recent studies suggest that, however, this increased secrecy seems to result from a combination of increasing commercial linkages and increased pressures from scientific competition.
作者 洪伟
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期339-345,共7页 Studies in Science of Science
关键词 科学的保密 科学的商业化 科学竞争 secrecy commercializing of science scientific competition
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