新钢9号2 500 m3高炉以长寿、实用、经济、高效、环保为设计原则,高炉各系统采用了国内外大型高炉成熟可靠、适用的技术和装备,为今后该高炉的主要技术经济指标达到全国同类型高炉的先进水平奠定了基础。
Based on design principle such as BF long campaign, utihity,economy, high efficient and environmental protection at No. 9 BF of Xingang, reliable and application technology and equipment of large BF at home and abroad were used in the various sys- tems of BF. The result has laid a foundation to reach national advanced level of the same type BF in the main technical and economic index
Jiangxi Metallurgy