由于早期的PROTOS 70卷接机组没有配备烟支钢印检测系统,因此在生产过程中不能及时发现钢印不合格烟支并准确剔除,为此,利用高速摄像技术设计了烟支钢印图像检测系统。该系统由高速摄像头、LED辅助光源、工控机及PLC组成,将高速摄像头拍摄的模拟图像信号数字化后,与模板图像进行对比和检测,判断烟支钢印是否合格,最后由PLC完成钢印不合格烟支的准确剔除。基于高速摄像技术的烟支钢印检测系统的实际应用结果表明,系统检测可靠,实现了烟支钢印图像的实时监控,不合格烟支剔除准确率达99.98%,避免了钢印不合格烟支流入下道工序,改进后不合格烟支质量投诉由原来的4~5次/季度下降到0次。
In the early PROTOS 70 cigarette makers,the cigarettes with print defects could not be timely detected and rejected due to the lack of print monitor.Therefore,a print image monitoring system was designed on the basis of high speed camera technology.The system was composed of high speed camera,LED light source,industrial computer and PLC.The analog image signals obtained by the camera were digitized and compared with a template image,and the cigarette with a defective print would be rejected by PLC.The practical application results indicated that the system was reliable,the real time monitoring of cigarette print image was realized,the rejection accuracy reached 99.98% and consumer complaints decreased from 4-5 times per season to 0.
Tobacco Science & Technology