The Maopingxi embankment dam with an asphaltic concrete core wall, a top - gradepermonant structure in the first - class structures in acccordance with the Chinese specifications, ispart of the Three Gorges Project. The project management by the owner takes on the responsibilityfor implementation of construction supervision system and strengthening of construction qualitycontrol, organization of technical exchange and staff training, purchase of advanced constructionequipment, preparation of Test Procedures of Asphaltic Concrete in Hydraulic Structures, selection andcontrol of the raw materials for asphaltic concrete, organization of experiments and optimization ofconstructional parameters, and imprivement of construction procedures.
The Maopingxi embankment dam with an asphaltic concrete core wall, a top - gradepermonant structure in the first - class structures in acccordance with the Chinese specifications, ispart of the Three Gorges Project. The project management by the owner takes on the responsibilityfor implementation of construction supervision system and strengthening of construction qualitycontrol, organization of technical exchange and staff training, purchase of advanced constructionequipment, preparation of Test Procedures of Asphaltic Concrete in Hydraulic Structures, selection andcontrol of the raw materials for asphaltic concrete, organization of experiments and optimization ofconstructional parameters, and imprivement of construction procedures.
China Three Gorges Construction
Three Gorges Project Asphaltic concrete core wall Embankment dam Laboratory experiment Field spreading test Productive test for spreading