It is the great difference in the number of personal pronouns used in the original Chinese drama Sunrise by Caoyu and its German translation which prompts me to conduct the present study. Firstly, I count the total numbers of word of this class in both versions, and then select the third person singular pronouns "ta" and "es" as the focus of research because they show a marked contrast in the frequency in the texts. After removing the differences of their deictic functions to have an equal contrastive base, we look into the necessity of the participants in the form of "Ф" and "es", in light of the transitivity of process in Halliday's functional grammar. After that, we have an analysis of 24 "Ф" and 24 "es" in Act Four, based on the research on zero anaphora in Chinese and that on verb valence in German respectively.
Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies