
国内海船无线电通信设备的配备方案探讨 被引量:1

A Study on the Configuration of Radio Equipment onboard Coastal Vessels
摘要 自 1999年 2月 1日起 ,GMDSS在全球范围内将全面实施 ,由于我国岸台设置的具体情况以及国内航线的具体特点等诸多因素的影响 ,国内海船将难以全面按 GMDSS的要求配备无线电通信设备。考虑到这种情况 ,笔者根据其在编写《法规》时的调研结果 ,以 GMDSS的思路为基础 ,综合考虑了安全、值班、遇险和搜救通信等方面的协调要求 。 GMDSS will be world widely put into effect from February 1, 1999. But it is difficult for the Chinese coastal vessels to fit out radio equipment onboard in accordance with GMDSS because of the location of the existing Chinese coastal radio stations and the structure of the domestic coastal routes. The author puts forward a configuration plan that fits the Chinese situation and the domestic routes with a complex consideration on the communications between safety, duty, emergency and salvage departments on the base of GMDSS and the information from the investigation during the compilation of the rules and regulations.
作者 孙武
出处 《交通部上海船舶运输科学研究所学报》 1998年第2期61-66,共6页
关键词 船舶 无线电通信 设备 配备 navigation safety marine radio communication equipment configuration
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