目的观察黄曲霉毒素诱导大鼠肝细胞癌变过程中JNK的变化,进一步了解JNK1信号转导通路在肝癌(Hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)发生发展过程中的作用。方法取雄性4周龄SD大鼠77只为研究对象,随机分为实验组66只,空白对照组11只。实验组应用黄曲霉毒素B1(Aflatoxin B1,AFB1)诱发大鼠肝细胞癌,空白对照组大鼠,按正常饲养方法饲养,两组大鼠分别于实验第12、20、36、46周进行肝组织活检,58周时处死取肝。所有标本均进行常规病理组织学检测,并应用RT-PCR、Western blot分别检测癌组织及肝组织JNK1 mRNA及JNK1活性蛋白质水平。结果实验组大鼠46周时发现首例肝癌,存活至实验结束并发生肝癌的大鼠共24只,6只无任何肿瘤发生,空白对照组大鼠11例均未发生肿瘤。实验组及空白对照组大鼠均可检出不同程度的JNK1 mRNA表达,其中肝癌组织较癌旁组织及正常肝组织明显增强(P<0.05)。West-ern blot结果显示,实验组中无癌大鼠20周、出癌大鼠36周始即有不同程度p-JNK1活性表达,并随着AFB1作用时间延长阳性率明显增加,且无癌大鼠p-JNK1检出的时间较出癌大鼠早;半定量分析表明无癌大鼠肝组织p-JNK1活性较同期出癌大鼠肝组织及肝癌组织增强,在实验第46周及58周时尤其明显(P<0.01)。结论在AFB1诱导肝细胞癌的过程中JNK信号通路处于激活状态,JNK信号通路的激活可能起到抑制HCC的作用,如JNK信号通路激活时间较早、强度较大可阻止HCC的发生。
Objective To explore the significance of JNK signal transduction pathway in HCC and its effects on develoment of HCC.
Methods Total 77 male SD rats were randomly divided into two groups: The experimental group included 66 rats and were administered with AFB1 by intraperitoneal injection for 32 weeks. Whereas, 11 rats was not administered with AFB1 and served as control group. All animals in 12th week, 20th week, 36th week, 46th week and 58th week were detected by biopsy. All survivals were sacrificed in 58th week. All liver tissues were studied by Routine Mayer’s Hematoxylin and Eosin Stain (H&E), mRNA level of JNK1 genes and the activity of phosphorylation JNK1 were determined by RT-PCR and western blot respectively.
Results The first HCC case was discovered in 46th week. 24 cases rats developed HCC and were alive at the end of experiment (58th week) among the AFB1-treated animals, 6 rats didn’t have any carcinoma. No tumor was developed in the control group animals. The mRNA of JNK1 gene was found in all of liver tissues, the expression level of JNK1 mRNA in HCC tissues was higher than that in para-HCC liver tissues and higher than that in biopsy liver tissues(P〈0.05). The data of western blot showed that the p-JNK1 can be detected in experimental group, the earliest positive time of p-JNK1 were 36th week and 20th week in HCC developed and no HCC developed rat respectively. The positive rate of p-JNK1 increased in the AFB1-treated time-dependent manner(P〉0.05). The semiquantitative analysis data showed that the quantity of p-JNK1 in liver tissues from not HCC developed rats is higher than that in liver tissues and HCC tissues form HCC developed rats(P〈0.01).
Conclusion The data from the AFB1-treated experimental rat models show that the JNK signal transduction pathway is activated in liver tissues and that this activation contributes to inhibit HCC development.
Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment