随着近些年GPS RTK技术的出现以及GPS空间定位精度的不断提高,GPS RTK已被广泛地应用于控制测量、地籍测量、地形图测量中。本文结合地籍测绘工作实践重点介绍了RTK技术的基本原理、优势以及应用注意的问题等,可见GPS RTK技术在确保测量成果精度可靠性的前提下,很大程度上提高测图作业效率的明显优势。
Along with the rising of GPS RTK technology and increasing of the accuracy of the space positioning by GPS in the recent years, GPS RTK is widely used in the control survey, cadastral survey, topographic mapping. The paper introduces the basic principles of RTK,its advantages and some issues to be considered through the practice in cadastration. Practices show that the GPS RTK can raise operational efficiency to a great degree.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology