
基于协同增益的联合编队作战任务群聚合模型 被引量:2

The Joint Fleet Combat Task Group Polymerization Model Based on Coordinative Plus
摘要 作战任务群是联合编队遂行各种作战任务的主要组织形式,兵力聚合是构建作战任务群的有效途径,文中将模糊聚类(FCA)法应用于作战任务群聚合。在研究聚合原则、聚合结构的基础上,提出兵力间协同的增益效应,并建立了协同增益模型。将协同增益模型和FCA相结合,建立了作战任务群聚合模型(PFCM)。模型着力解决互联、互通、互操作能力逐步增强条件下各个作战单元协同效应的实现,是提高联合编队作战协同能力的有效途径。 Combat task group is the main format to carry out the task for joint fleet, forces polymerization is a good approach to establish combat task group, fuzzy clustering analysis is applied to combat task polymerization in the paper. The coordinative plus is brought forward, the coordinative plus model is established in the paper based on the principle and configuration. The PFCM is brought forward through the coordinative plus model and FCA. The model will be used to realize the coordinative effect, It is the effective approach to improve the joint fleet coordinative capability.
出处 《指挥控制与仿真》 2010年第1期37-40,44,共5页 Command Control & Simulation
关键词 联合编队 作战任务群 协同增益 模糊聚类分析(FCA) 聚合模型 joint fleet combat task group coordinative plus fuzzy clustering analysis(FCA) polymerization model
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