
拆卸与或图生成及其权重不定问题研究 被引量:4

Research on disassembly and/or graph construction and uncertain weight
摘要 为了高效地规划装配体的拆卸序列,首先利用生成完备可行子装配体的算法构造所有可行的拆卸操作,并以与或图的形式将所有可行的拆卸操作加以表达,对该与或图进行简约,从而构建能够表达所有可行拆卸序列的拆卸与或图;为了基于该拆卸与或图规划拆卸序列,利用广义权重解决了拆卸与或图中有向边上权重不确定的问题,并给出了广义权重的计算方法;最后,通过实例验证了这种拆卸与或图表达拆卸序列的高效性和用于拆卸序列规划的可行性和有效性.结果表明拆卸与或图是一种可用于拆卸序列规划的高效模型. To plan product disassembly sequence efficiently, all feasible disassembly operations and sub-assemblies were firstly obtained by sub-assembly generation algorithms, and the disassembly operations was described by And/Or Graph (AOG). After simplifying the AOG, a Disassembly AOG (DAOG) which expressed all feasible disassembly sequences was constructed. To plan disassembly sequence based on DAOG, an extended-weight was brought forward to solve the uncertain weight problem of direct edges in the DAOG, and the formula of calculating extendedweight was also proposed. Finally, by cases study, the efficiency of DAOG for disassembly sequence expression and the feasibility and validity of DAOG for disassembly sequence planning were validated. The results show that the DAOG is an efficient method for disassembly sequence planning.
出处 《工程设计学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期19-24,共6页 Chinese Journal of Engineering Design
关键词 可行子装配体生成算法 拆卸与或图 不定权重 广义权重 feasible sub-assembly generation algorithm disassembly and/or graph uncertain weight extended weight
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