医疗设备与医疗信息系统的无缝集成以及协同互操作是实现数字化医院亟待解决的问题,传统的解决方案在可维护性与可扩展性、数据共享等方面尚存在不足。提出了一个应用于数字化医院的医疗设备集成框架,该框架以OSGi为基础,通过虚拟设备机制抽象出医疗设备功能接口,应用SOA的设计思想把设备作为服务发布,将各种设备数据统一到国际医疗标准HL7(Health Level Seven)和DICOM(Digital Imaging and Communication of Medicine)标准。还讨论了集成框架的原型系统实现及其应用。
Seamless integration and interoperability of medical devises and medical information systems are the problems demanding prompt solution for realising the Digital Hospital. However, traditional solution suffers the problems in terms of poor maintenance and scalability as well as not sharable in medical data information. In this paper, we proposed an OSGi-based integration framework of medical devices for digital hospital. The medical devices interfaces were first abstracted by applying Virtual Device Mechanism, and then these devices were issued as services in the context of SOA-based Digital Hospital. What's more, HL7 and DICOM standards were utilised to provide the standard data format for all kinds of information from various kinds of medical devices. In later part of this paper,we also showed the implementation of our integration framework prototype system and its application results.
Computer Applications and Software