
HPV感染与液基细胞学联合检测宫颈病变的临床意义 被引量:9

HPV infection and detection of liquid-based cytology combined clinical significance of cervical lesions
摘要 目的研究HPV感染与液基细胞学联合检测宫颈病变的临床意义。方法对本院门诊就诊的患者行宫颈病变的筛查(LCT、HCⅡ及电子阴道镜),共532人完成。结果LSIL及HSIL与CIN符合率73.22%、84.21%,随着级别增高,其符合率增加。HPV的感染率随着宫颈病变的级别升高而增加,但即使是宫颈癌前病变,其HPV感染仍有可能为阴性,应结合阴道镜检查来提高准确率。结论LCT与HPV联合检测宫颈病变可以防止漏诊,提高诊断的准确率。 Objective Research on HPV infection and detection of liquid-based cytology combined clinical significance of cervical lesions.Methods The patients m our hospital outpatient clinic for screening for cervical lesions (LCY,HCH and electronic colposcopy), a total of 532 people had completed. Results LSIL and HSIL and CIN in line with the rate of 73.22 %, 84.21%, with levels increased in line with the rate of increase in its. HPV infection rates increased with the level of cervical lesions increased,but even cervical precancerous lesions, the HPV infection may still negative, should be combined with colpescopy to increase the accuracy.Conclusion LCT joint detection with HPV cervical lesions can prevent rnisdiagnosis and improve fliagnostic accuracy.
出处 《中国实验诊断学》 北大核心 2010年第2期232-235,共4页 Chinese Journal of Laboratory Diagnosis
关键词 宫颈上皮内瘤变 液基细胞学检测 人乳头瘤病毒 Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia Liquid-based cytology test human papilloma virus
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