摘要2008年9月笔者赴美国霍普金斯医学院护理学院及霍普金斯老年护理中心进行了为期3个月的学习与临床实践,对其全方位养老服务项目(the program of all—inclusive care for the elderly,PACE)感触颇深,现介绍如下,希望能对我国社区老年护理模式的发展有所借鉴与参考。
1Dana B. Mukamel, Helena Temkin-Greener, Rachel Delavan, et al. Team Performance and risk-Adjusted Health Ooutcomes in the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly ( PACE ). The Geronotologist ,2006,46 ( 2 ) :227-237. 被引量:1
2Shwu-Jiaun. What caring means to geriatric nurses. J Nurs Res, 2004,12(2) :143-152. 被引量:1
3Gavan C. S. Successful aging families. Holist Nuts Pratt,2003,17 (1) :11-18. 被引量:1
4Glass T. Assessing the Success of successful aging. Ann Intern Med ,2003,139(5 ,Part 1 ) :382-383. 被引量:1