目的:研究表面封闭法对托槽粘接抗剪强度(shear bond strength,SBS)的影响。方法:将正畸拔除的20颗离体前磨牙切割成颊面牙片,用自凝塑料包埋,其颊面经TransbondTM Plus自酸蚀处理液酸蚀30 s后随机等量分为2组,①实验组:涂Filtek Flow1400A3流动复合树脂形成封闭层,TransbondTM XT复合树脂粘接托槽;②对照组:TransbondTM XT复合树脂粘接托槽。37℃恒温水浴48 h及冷热循环(5℃30 s,55℃30 s)1 000次后,以0.5 mm/min的速度对托槽SBS进行测试;10倍体视显微镜下观察托槽脱落后牙面树脂残留情况并进行评估。结果:实验组、对照组托槽SBS(MPa)平均是8.08±1.38、8.34±1.37,牙面树脂残留指数(resin remnant index,RRI)分别是:2.80±1.03、3.20±1.03,经检验,2组SBS、RRI差异无统计学意义。结论:表面封闭法不影响托槽粘接抗剪强度,能满足固定矫治需要。
Objective: To investigate the effects of surface sealing on the shear bond strength(SBS) of the brackets.Methods: Twenty extracted premolars for orthodontics were cut into the buccofacial teeth pieces and etched by TransbondTM Plus self-etching primers for 30 seconds firstly,then divided into two groups with 10 teeth pieces in each group randomly.① experiment group,the buccal surface of the enamel was sealed with Filtek Flow 1400A3 flowable composite resin before bracket bonding;②control group,the bracket was bonded to the buccal surface of the enamel directly.All specimens were stored in deionized water at 37 ℃ for 48 h,thermocycled for 1 000 times at 30-second intervals between 5 ℃ and 55 ℃ water baths,and debonded with a universal testing machine.The amounts of resin remaining on the teeth pieces after debonding by using the resin remnant index(RRI),which were examined under 10×magnification stereo-microscope.Results:The SBS(MPa) between experiment group and control group was 8.08±1.38,8.34±1.37 respectively,whereas the RRI was 2.80±1.03,3.20±1.03 respectively.The SBS,RRI between experimental group and control group revealed no statistically significant differences.Conclusion: Surface sealing shows adequate bond strength,which is considered a clinically acceptable bond strength.The debonding of bracket is not affected by the surface sealing.
Journal of Practical Stomatology
Surface sealing
Flowable composite resin
Shear bond strength
Fixed orthodontics