Seven extracting temperatures (25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85℃) and extracting time (30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 min) were designed for selecting the optimal extracting time and extracting temperature for ultrasonic extraction of T. amurensis flowers. Polysaccharides from T. amurensis flowers were isolated and determined by spectrophotometry. Results show that the optimal ultrasonic temperature was 75℃ and ex tracting time 52 min. The content of polysaccharides in T. amurensis flowers measured by anthrone--H2SO4 colorimetry under 580 nm, was 9.74% with 0.47% of relative standard deviation (RSD, n=3). This study demonstrated that ultrasonic extraction method was simple, and the color of the treated samples was stable in 4 h. The average recovery value for the polysaccharides measured was 99.48%±1.01%, with 0.112% of RSD (n=3).
funded by Heilongjiang Tackle Key Program of Science and Technology(GB07B303-03)