采用热爆法来制备AlTiC中间合金,试验研究保温时间、配方及粉料粒度对制备中间合金的影响。通过X-ray衍射和SEM扫描电镜分析发现,随着保温时间的变化,TiC与TiAl3粒子的形态和分布会发生相应的变化。另外,在不同的配方和不同的粉料粒度下,TiC与TiAl3粒子的形态和分布也会发生相应的变化,而TiC与TiAl3粒子的形态和分布在很大程度上影响AlTiC中间合金的细化纯铝晶粒效果。研究结果表明,保温时间为10 min,Al∶Ti∶C(原子比)=5∶2∶1,碳粉料粒度为1 200目,钛粉500目时的细化晶粒的效果最好。
AITiC master alloys have been prepared by thermal explosion mode of SHS ,heat preservation time ,component and powder size are researched by X-ray diffraction and SEM. The result showed that morphology and distribution of TiC and TiAI3 particle have changed with the variation of heat preservation time ,component and powder size. With the changes of it, the refining performance of AITiC master alloys are correspondingly changed. The consequence is that when heat preservation time is 5min,component of AI:Ti:C is 5:2: 1, powder size is C 1 200,Ti 500, it has excellent grain refining performance for commercially pure aluminum.
Light Alloy Fabrication Technology