高分辨率双侧向测井仪器(HRDL)是EILog测井系统中重要的常规测井仪器之一。该仪器在保持常规双侧向测井探测深度的基础上,具有电极系短、纵向分辨率高(0.4 m)、易于现场组合测井等优点。但是,高分辨率双侧向过聚焦工作原理使得井眼影响复杂,在低电阻率地区井眼影响非常严重,深、浅侧向测量值往往高于常规双侧向测井测量值,必须进行有效的井眼校正。电极系特性不同,高分辨率双侧向经过井眼校正后的曲线与常规双侧向接近,局部会有差异。除视电阻率外,井径和泥浆电阻率是井眼校正中的2个关键参数。通过对高分辨率双侧向测井井眼校正图版分析,说明低电阻率区块进行井眼校正的必要性,给出仪器理论地层模型低电阻率测井响应对比。利用最优化方法分段拟合的井眼校正算法已集成到地面采集软件中,并且可以进行全井段实时校正。在大部分低电阻率地区,深、浅侧向测量曲线经过有效的井眼校正,可以明显改善测量曲线的质量。
The High Resolution Dual Laterolog Logging Tool(HRDL) is one of important conventional downhole tools of EILog logging system(Express & Imaging Logging System) developed by China Petroleum Logging Co.,Ltd.Based on having the depth of investigation of the previous conventional dual laterolog tools,the HRDL tool has many unique characteristics such as shorter sonde and higher vertical resolution(0.4m) and it is very applicable for field combination logging.However,it is necessary to conduct the effective borehole correction as HRDL tool operates at the principle of extremely focusing to make the borehole effect complicated and severe borehole effects of low-resistivity.The analyzes on the borehole correction chart of the HRDL tool show it is very vital to perform the borehole correction of low-resistivity formation,and the low-resistivity logging response comparison under the theoretical formation modeling is presented in this paper.The borehole correction algorithm based on the optimal borehole segmented fitting method is integrated into the surface system acquisition software and it may be used to correct the whole wellbore in real-time.In most of the low-resistivity zones,the quality of the deep and low measuring curves may be obviously improved by performing effective borehole corrections.The optimized correction algorithms presented in this paper are also very beneficial to the logging engineers to further understand the characteristics of low reistivity measurements and tool responses of the HRDL tool.
Well Logging Technology