
公共关系及其价值彰显——美国西肯塔基大学图书馆与肯塔基州沃伦县公共图书馆、保龄格林市巴诺书店伙伴的社会服务初探 被引量:18

Public Relations and Value Demonstrating
摘要 无论是大学图书馆还是公共图书馆,都肩负着提高国民文化和信息素养的社会责任。无论是从培养公民意识、建设文明与和谐社会的高度,还是帮助国民,特别是弱势群体终身学习以提高其改善生活的技能的角度,图书馆的作用都是具有战略意义的。为了彰显其社会价值,图书馆有必要利用各种能够利用的形式或工具做好公关的工作。文章就以西肯塔基大学为例,介绍了该馆利用与当地公共图书馆和连锁书店建立的伙伴关系,做好公关工作的经验。同时也简单介绍了图书馆公关可以利用的其他方式,如传统的和网络的,特别是方兴未艾的社会网络。 Be it a university or a public library, it has the responsibility to help enhance the public's reading and information literacy. A library is of strategic significance in fostering citizenship, building a civilized and harmonious society, and promoting skills of life-long learning-skills that can continually better the lives of the public, particularly the underprivileged. In order to fulfill its social responsibilities, a library must do a good job of public relations by utilizing all the means and tools it can lay its hands on. Using Western Kentucky University Libraries as an example, this article explores how that library engages in its public relations work by partnering with a local public library and a chain bookstore. In addition, the article also sheds some light on a few other means by which the library markets itself, including traditional and online media, specifically the Web 2.0 social networks.
作者 袁海旺
出处 《图书与情报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期16-23,共8页 Library & Information
关键词 图书馆 伙伴关系 社会价值 公关 社会网络 library partnership social responsibilities marketing social network
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