
DTN Web服务器基于自适应控制的成比例延迟区分服务

Adaptive Control-based Proportional Delay Differentiated Service on DTN Web Servers
摘要 DTN网络的出现为未来的Internet应用提供了一种全新的平台,在DTN网络上部署支持服务区分服务的Web服务器方面的研究仍为空白。首先设计了一种支持区分服务的DTN Web服务器,并在其上实现了基于自适应控制的成比例延迟区分服务。自适应控制器根据预设的延迟区分参数,通过动态计算并调节各个客户类别的服务线程数目,可保证DTN Web服务器上高优先级客户具有较低的平均连接延迟而各个客户类别的平均延迟比保持不变。仿真结果表明,在动态变化的负载、不同的负载分布以及变化的参考输入之下,控制器作用下的DTN Web服务器都能可靠地提供成比例延迟区分服务。 The DTNs construct a new platform for the future network applications,but nothing has been done for the research to deploy the Web servers which can provide service differentiation on DTNs. This paper designed a DTN Web server supporting differentiated service, and implemented adaptive control-based proportional delay differentiated ser- vice. Dynamically the adaptive controller can calculate and adjust the number of service threads in Web server for diffe- rent types of clients according to the pre-specified delay differentiation parameters. Simulation results demonstrate that proportional delay differentiation can be achieved on the DTN Web server even under dynamic workloads, different workload distributions and varying references.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期105-109,共5页 Computer Science
基金 国防基础科研项目(C2720061361)资助
关键词 DTN网络 WEB服务器 自适应控制 成比例延迟区分服务 DTNs,Web servers,Adaptive control,Proportional delay differentiated service
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