
动态血糖仪监测继发性磺脲类失效血糖漂移的特点 被引量:2

Continuous glucose monitoring in subjects with secondary sulfonylureas failure
摘要 目的运用动态血糖仪持续监测血糖,了解磺脲类继发性失效血糖波动和漂移的特点。方法将40例2型糖尿病继发性磺脲类失效患者予CGMS连续监测72h(3d),观察血糖趋势。结果本组患者全天各时段的血糖均漂移于较高水平,凌晨3点时间段血糖水平漂移至一天中的低谷期,4点~7点血糖逐渐升高,三餐进食后血糖升高,早餐后2h血糖漂移峰值最高。3餐前血糖漂移在11.0mmol/L左右,餐后血糖逐渐升高,进餐后2h为餐后血糖最高的时间段。1日内患者血糖水平>7.8mmol/L所占的时间比为(95.5±3.1)%,血糖>11.1mmol/L所占的时间比为(78.6±8.6)%。平均血糖水平与HbA1c的相关性显著相关(r值分别为0.88,P<0.01)。结论动态血糖监测能更为详细地评估SF患者全天血糖水平漂移变化的三大特征:餐后峰值高、漂移幅度大和持续时间长,为达到全面、精细地控制糖代谢紊乱提供依据,奠定了坚实的基础。 【Objective】To observe the fluctuation and excursion of blood glucose in patients with secondary sulfonylureas failure.【Methods】The fluctuations of glucose levels in 40 secondary sulfonylureas failure.Patients were measured by Continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) for 72 hours.【Results】The glycemic excursions revealed that the daily glycemic levels were lower at 3AM,the climax of daily glycemic level tended appear at 2 hours after breakfast.The glycemic profiles showed that the proportion of time for hyperglycemia above 7.8 and 11.1 mmol/L accounted for (95.5±3.1)% and (78.6±8.6)%,respectively.The magnitude of glycemic excursions were (10.57± 2.39) mmol/L for 24 hours.The CGMS values in this study was significantly correlated with HbA1C (r =0.86,P 〈 0.01).【Conclusion】The glycemic excursions of secondary sulfonylureas failure patients can be measured by CGMS in detail and may have beneficial effects in intensive glycemic treatment.
出处 《中国现代医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第24期3767-3769,共3页 China Journal of Modern Medicine
基金 广东省佛山市科技攻关项目(No:200808089)
关键词 动态血糖仪监测 继发性磺脲类失效 血糖漂移 continuous glucose monitoring system secondary sulfonylureas failure the glycemic excursions
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