
《南极条约》50周年:挑战与未来走向 被引量:17

The Antarctic Treaty at 50:Challenges and Future Trend
摘要 在过去的五十年中,《南极条约》有效维护了南极洲的和平,促进了国际南极科学合作,为国际社会提供了解决有争议问题的"南极模式"。但近年来现有的"南极秩序"正在面临着来自各方面的严峻挑战,《南极条约》的未来走向受到国际社会的强烈关注。目前存在三种未来走向:《南极条约》解体、南极"联合国化"而变为人类共同财产以及《南极条约》继续存在。由于《南极条约》高举和平与科学的旗帜,以及南极条约协商国家的强大政治经济实力,在可预见的未来,现行的《南极条约》仍是规划南极事务最现实的选择。 In the last 50 years the Antarctic Treaty has effectively maintained peace on the Antarctic Continent as well as helping promote international Antarctic scientific cooperation. The Antarctic Treaty now also serves as an approach to resolving international conflict, which is known as the "Antarctic Mod- el". However, Antarctic politics have changed significantly in the recent years and the traditional Antarctic order is facing severe challenges. The future of the Antarctic Treaty has aroused wide attention in the in- ternational community. There are three different trends for the Treaty's future: (1) that the Antarctic Treaty will disintegrate due to some signatories withdrawing; (2) that Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings (ATCM) will look more and more like United Nations gatherings with more and more states ac- ceding to the Treaty, which will enable Antarctica to become part of the common wealth of human beings; or, (3), that the Antarctic Treaty carries on as it is at present. Because the Antarctic Treaty promotes peace and science research, and also because the principal members of the ATCM have tremendous political and economic power, it is likely that the existing order of the Antarctic Treaty wilt be the only realistic choice among the three above options in the foreseeable future.
出处 《中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第1期11-16,共6页 Journal of Ocean University of China(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"南极政治与法律研究"(编号07BGJ002)
关键词 南极条约 挑战 未来走向 Antarctic Treaty Challenge Future trend
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