
吉林省玉米加工业发展对我国粮食安全的影响及其政策建议 被引量:8

Impact Analysis on China's Grain Security and Its Policy Proposals of Corn Processing Industry Development in Jilin Province
摘要 吉林省是我国重要的粮食主产区和商品粮基地,对于保障国家粮食安全具有重要的战略意义。本文分析了吉林省玉米加工业发展与国家粮食安全的辨证关系。认为玉米加工业发展引起粮食供求关系的新变化,改变粮食生产与流通格局,但是其对农业增效、农民增收和粮食增产具有积极影响。由于玉米加工业自身特点和粮食消费结构的限制,以及通过政府宏观调控、流通体制改革与物流体系建设等,吉林省玉米加工业发展对国家中长期粮食安全不会产生较大的影响。构建合理的玉米加工业体系和加强粮食安全基地建设是保证吉林省玉米加工业持续健康发展与增强粮食安全保障能力的重要途径。 Jilin Province is an important grain production areas and commodity grain base, which has great strategic significance to national grain security. Based on the development trend analyses of corn processing industry in Jilin Province, the dialectical relationship between national grain security and corn processing industry in Jilin Province was discussed. The author consider that though corn processing industry courses the new changes of the relationship between grain supply and demand, and changes the patterns of grain production and circulation, but it also plays an important role in increasing agricultural efficiency and farmer' s income and grain yield, and it shall not affect national grain security for itself characteristics and grain consumption structure, and by means of the government's macro-control and circulation system reform. It is an important way to enhance safeguard capacity to national grain security and guarantee healthy development of grain processing industry by build a reasonable system for the corn processing industry, as well as to strengthen the construction of commodity grain base.
作者 程叶青
出处 《农业现代化研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期1-4,共4页 Research of Agricultural Modernization
基金 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所学科前沿领域项目<吉中粮食主产区城乡互动机制与发展模式研究>(编号:KZCX3-SW-NA3-19) 东北师范大学校内青年基金<改革开放30年来非工业化村落演变过程 机理与可持续发展研究>(编号:20090604)
关键词 玉米加工业 粮食安全 宏观调控 吉林省 corn processing industry grain security macro-control Jilin Province
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