
关于网格模拟器的研究 被引量:4

The Research about Grid Simulators
摘要 网格将广域分布的各种资源有效聚合和共享,并以统一的方式向用户提供服务。网格模拟器是一种对真实网格进行模拟的工具,是研究网格环境中资源管理和任务调度策略优化、改进的重要工具。文中分别对Bricks,MicroGrid,Cas-Sim,GridSim,SimGrid和GangSim进行了分析,论述了这些模拟器的应用领域、优势以及不足,最后指出了当前网格模拟器的局限性和发展趋势,可以为网格研究人员和网格模拟器设计者及应用者提供一些便利。 The gird makes aggregation and sharing of wide-area distributed resources effectively and provides services to users in a uniform way.The grid simulator is a tool for the simulation of the real gird,as well as an important tool for researching the resource management and the optimization and improvement of task scheduling strategy.It makes analysis on Bricks,MicroGrid,CasSim,GridSim,SimGrid and GangSim,and discusses the application field,advantage and disadvantage of these simulators and then points out the limitation and development tendency of the current simulator, which can provide some convenience for the grid researchers and the designers and users of grid simulator.
作者 高强 刘波
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2010年第1期100-103,共4页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 国家技术创新基金(08C26214411198)
关键词 网格 资源 网格系统 网格模拟器 grid resource grid system grid simulator
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